Carla, Jeannie, Sarah & I took train to Amsterdam after the training on friday( Feb 5, 2010). The distance between Leuven and Amsterdam is about 164KM, but then we took more than 3 hours to reach Amsterdam. We had our train changed in Antwerpen. At Amsterdam central station, Sarah's friend, Charl was there waiting for us. He was our tour guide for that night. He took us to one of the local bar, Wynand Fockink and welcome us with dutch liquors. After having our dinner, Charl took us to "The Red Light District". It was really an eye-opening experience. Prositution is legal in Netherland. All the sex workers dressed in sexy lingerie standing behind red illuminated windows, trying to flirt with the pass-by visitors. I saw some man even asking for price from one room to another!!! Amazed by the scenes, I wanted to share this with my friends when back to Malaysia, I took out my camera and quickly snapped a photo. Flash came from my camera, ooopss!! I forgot to switch off the flash!! Immediately, the prostitute pointed at me and shouted angrily. I was really terrified at that moment. I pretend nothing happened and walk away quickly. I quickly deleted the photo in my camera and stay close to my friends. What a experience I had in Amsterdam!!
On the next day, Carla and I visited Madamme Tussaud & Sex Musuem. We took a lot of pictures in Madamme Tussoud. We spent a bit of time on shopping too. Shopping in Amsterdam is cheaper than Leuven. Due to we had not much time left, we did not manage to visit The Anne Frank House. We took train back to Leuven. Netherland, I'll be back to visit you again!! See you soon~~
Canal night view.
This is public urinals for men, found nearby the red light district. The red light district is filled with bars that serve beers than anything else. So, this is built for men to relieve themselves instead of againts whichever corner or wall of the shops or house~~~ I think this is more civilized than people who pee on the trees or drain!!
@Wynand Fockink, you have to bend down and sip before you can bring this glass away from the table~~~
@ one of the street at Amsterdam.
@ Charl's house.
Chastity belt - designed to prevent woman from committing adultry.
Can you find me in the picture?
Mata hari, born in Netherland, was an famous exotic dancer in Paris. Before the outbreak of the World War I, she had affair with high-ranking military officers, politicians and others in influential positions in many countries. Later on she was accused of spying for Germany and was executed by firing on October 1917, at the age of 41 years old. The pictures behind her is on the day of her execution.
@ Sex musuem entrance.
I can climb like spider man~~~
ta da~~~~ I'm floating in the air~~~
Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt.
David Beckham is doing sit up.
Marilyn Monroe
Michael Jackson is looking at me!!!
Princess Diana. She look alive~~~
Madamme Tussaud. She opened her first wax figures in London when she was 74 years old.
Foggy weather~~
@Antwerp Central, the station has 4 levels. This picture shows level 0 & level +1.
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