Ladies and gentlemen, I'm struggling to choose one of the them to put as the header of my new online shop. I like both of them, each gives different feeling. Help me ~~~
Thanks for your guys opinions. Ah Shui, your comment is very detail and clear. Thank you so much. Yours opinions are highly appreciated. ^-^
001 - The ideas i wanna portray in this picture is simple, delicious and yet gives vivid impression to ppl. Among so many different kind of donuts tat i made, i choose choc donut in this picture because choc donut is everybody's favourite and this looks almost like real donuts!! I put 1 donut instead of many because i dont want to confuse ppl and focus on the work.
002 - This piece of work is made to againts 001. The idea is to give colorful, variety and lively to ppl. I actually purposely made the pic yellowish to give "soft" feeling de, seems like i fail my work. kekeke.
P/S: Those donuts in the pictures are cannot be eaten. hahaha. to know more, stay tuned, i will upload my product soon~~~
001 - Clean and simple.
i like the first one. but i think the photo need to further touch up a bit to make it clearer.
嚴格來講, 沒有(會不會太傷??)...
001, 美是美, 間單美, 但在商而言是不太能吸引我, 單單一個donught而已。而且還看到絲絲的東西在donught上面。
002, 也是那個問題, 絲絲的東西在donught上面。而且照片的問題, 不夠sharp,光澤不夠, 會不夠吸引。
網路賣食物東西, 對像年齡層會較低,而又不能以真實味道吸引人, 所以靠的就是賣相。個人覺得, 我更喜歡看到多多個donught在一起, 五顏六色的, 然後前面是主要商品, 以主體清楚而後景較蒙的拍法, 會更讓我想要吃, 賣相較好...
第二就是包裝, 如妳有很好的包裝, 不妨考慮把包裝也放入以吸引人。
對不起, 老人家比較長氣點。找妳buddy拍照吧, 他會有幫助的。
如真的要選, 我會偏向001。
Thanks for your guys opinions. Ah Shui, your comment is very detail and clear. Thank you so much. Yours opinions are highly appreciated. ^-^
001 - The ideas i wanna portray in this picture is simple, delicious and yet gives vivid impression to ppl. Among so many different kind of donuts tat i made, i choose choc donut in this picture because choc donut is everybody's favourite and this looks almost like real donuts!! I put 1 donut instead of many because i dont want to confuse ppl and focus on the work.
002 - This piece of work is made to againts 001. The idea is to give colorful, variety and lively to ppl. I actually purposely made the pic yellowish to give "soft" feeling de, seems like i fail my work. kekeke.
P/S: Those donuts in the pictures are cannot be eaten. hahaha. to know more, stay tuned, i will upload my product soon~~~
clean N simple !!
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