Saturday, March 28, 2009

Small action, Big effect

Nowadays, we often hear news like snow storming, flooding, drought are happening around the world. These are the signals of global warming. Our planet is sick. She is making silent complaints!

Today 28 March 2009, is a day for all the people around the world to show their love to our beloved planet, Earth. The most recognised landmarks on the planet are taking part in this Earth Hour 2009 too. Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Table Mountain in Cape Town, Merlion in Singapore, Sydney Opera House, CN Tower in Toronto, Millennium Stadium in Cardiff and the worldís tallest constructed building Taipei 101 will be switching off their lights for one hour at 8.30pm local time. So, turn your lights off at 8.30pm too!

Switching off the lights for a hour today is a great start, there are things that you can do in daily life to save our mother earth. Here are some of the ideas that i do my best to practice everyday:

1) Turn off the electrical appliances when you don't need them.

2) Only open the fridge when necessary.

3) Reduce the use of plastic bags, bring your own bag for shopping.

They may seemed small actions, but if everyone of us practice, it can be a big difference. SMALL ACTION, BIG EFFECT! Let's make our planet to become a better place to live!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


一对大学读书时曾经的恋人,后来因为一件小事闹翻了。毕业后,他们天各一方,各自走过了一条坎坷的人生旅途。他们的婚姻都不太美满,所以时时怀念年轻时的那段恋情。如今白发, 一个偶然的机会,他们又相聚了。闲谈中他们谈起了那一件事。


Monday, March 23, 2009


Finally, i have my own blog, a place for me to record my thoughts at the moment in time, a place to share my thougths and life with my friends and the world. From now onwards, I will record the moments in my life at here. So, check out my latest posting from time to time. You are welcome to give comment too~~ ^_^

Why i named my blog as "Victoria Snow Rose"? Simple, i love victoria rose, i love them at first sight. Why there is a "snow" in between victoria rose ? Hmmm..... Let's have some room for imagination. Guys, put on your thinking cap! Tell me if you know the answer, a special prize will be given away ~~~ :)

MPH Book Fair

Despite economic downturn, this cannot stop people from buying books! Yesterday was the last day of the book fair, still many people came to "gorek" books. 30%, 50%, 70% , value buy can be seen everywhere. After a hour of searching books, i decided to buy 3 books: Next by Michael Crichton, Think like a billionaire by Donald Trump and Desserts. They are 30% less and cost less than RM57! Luckily i didn't buy them at borders~~ phew~~ These books gonna occupy me for the next few months. Reading is a good habit. I benefit a lot from reading whether it is non fiction or fiction. Further more buying books can deduct from income tax! ha ha!